Vote for your favourite Rouleur cover

Rouleur is 100. Vote for your favourite Rouleur cover from issues 1 to 100

We know that one of the things that makes Rouleur magazine stand out from the rest is the cover. 

Everyone in the Rouleur team gets as excited as you do when "new mag day" comes around. All of us have an issue or two that means more than any others.

As the milestone of our 100th issue approaches, we want to find out which of our fine fronts is the favourite among our readers. Below you'll find every single cover of Rouleur magazine from issue 1 to 100. From the iconic, and highly sought-after, first issue, to the Sir Paul Smith-designed 50th, to issue 100 - scroll down to the bottom if you want a sneak preview of the latest beauty. 

Subscribe by Monday to receive our 100th issue first

All you have to do is choose your number one - or as many as ten, if you can't decide - and submit your results at the bottom. Two entrants, selected at random will each win a year's subscription - or a year's extension on their existing subscription, if they already have one - while ten others will receive a Rouleur notebook of their choice.

While we like to think that every Rouleur cover is a winner, in this poll, there can be only one. View the results so far.

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